14 May 2010

Super Stage Swears In

I, Jennifer Wysong, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Today we got all gussied up in our Senegalese best and took the oath to become real live Peace Corps Volunteers at the ambassadors house in Dakar. This marks the official end of our time as trainees, and the "super stage" (as we have been dubbed by our fellow volunteers) will scatter all across the country to our respective villages to start getting our hands dirty. We will reconvene in Kedougou for an Independence Day party, and at the end of July we will meet back up in Thies for In Service Training. Until then our country director has issued us a challenge...spend 5 consecutive weeks in your village without spending the night anywhere else. Now the real fun begins...


  1. Jennifer, I met your parents at Gettysburg Campground last night. They gave me your blog address and I've just begun to read about your adventures. Very best wishes as you set off into the unknown!! ~~ Lorraine (traveling with a TaB)

  2. Jennie... You look absolutely beautiful in that dress! I'm serious. It looks great on you. Did you have that made there?

    You finally found the perfect dress, and you had to go to Africa to find it! :-)

  3. Hi Jennie, the kids and I have been following your blog...still can't wrap my head around what and adventure you are on. Keep the amazing reports coming.

    Aunt Lisa

  4. Suzanne Sutton19 May, 2010 09:14

    Congratulations Jennie! You look wonderful! Good luck in your village, stay safe. Keeping you in our prayers,
    The Suttons

  5. I agree with maddie. That dress is beautiful! Congrats on everything. I know you will fall even more in love with Africa after these two years. I am so glad you are so happy there. I miss you tons.
