Actually, I spent 10 hours working with Habitat for Humanity's Blitz Build. We're building two houses for two families in one weekend and I must say, its amazing how quickly things get done when lots of people come together. It makes me wonder why it takes contractors at home 6 months to finish a house. I really enjoyed learning all the little tricks and construction terms, and I could spend hours swinging that hammer. Here's a picture of some of my handy work...I helped hang the siding, the F and J strips and put up the soffit. Tomorrow we'll finish off the last bit of siding then hang sheet metal to cover all of the exposed ends.
I spent most of today up on scaffolding and ladders hanging backwards to nail the soffit into the eaves, or leaning over to hang the siding. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I just love being up so high. I'm more focused and aware of my body when there's a 20 foot drop below me, I just feel more alive. When we moved on to the second story in back of the house it was just me and one other woman up there, all of the men wimped out! Then again, it is a loooong way down...
I'm going to go back again tomorrow from 8-5...I"ll be sure to post a picture of the finished product!
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