11 April 2011

And on the 10th Day the PCVs Rested

It only took God 6 days to create the earth...we managed to do it in 9. Granted its a much more scaled down version, but I think it's pretty impressive none the less. Jen, Peter and I have been meeting on weekends and school holidays to paint this map on the back wall of the classroom in Fasstoucouleur. I'm ashamed to realize I didn't know nearly as much about geography as I thought I did (guess I should have paid more attention to those map quizzes in high school). This month we're going to get started on another one in the classroom in my village and then later do a third in Peter's village. Maybe by the time we finish I'll have a better grasp of this planet we live on.

1 comment:

  1. It's absolutely beautiful--and huge! So educational for the kids. I think everyone loves to gaze at maps--and find themselves.
    Great work Jennie!
